
Our Mission is to reach the lost and Enhance the kingdom while empowering individuals to access their Godly potential.

Our Vision is to be a progressive multifaceted Christ-Centered movement cultivating individuals to become disciples of Christ through love, prayer, word, worship and outreach.


Our Mission is to reach the lost and Enhance the kingdom while empowering individuals to access their Godly potential. Our Vision is to be a progressive multifaceted Christ-Centered movement cultivating individuals to become disciples of Christ through love, prayer, word, worship and outreach.

Core Values


Worship is a physical outward expression of love and adoration that represents God’s worth to us. Worship is also a lifestyle of clean righteous living that should mirror the image of Christ.


Prayer is very essential to a believer as it is the channel of communication between you and God. It is in prayer time that a relationship is developed and God’s plans for your life is revealed.


It is through the teaching of God’s word we gain instruction and practical knowledge on how to live a liberated, blessed, and abundant life. It is very critical to receive and apply the word of God.


The gift of redemption encompasses the totality of God’s love for us. Christ loved us so much that he gave his only son that we can be saved. As believers, it is important that we reciprocate the love we receive from Christ and extend it to others. Love reaches where our arms can’t.


The Bible tells us we should go out in the world and make disciples. It is important that when you come to know Christ that you reach out to others about a Savior who can heal and deliver regardless of the life issues or circumstances. Each one reach one.

What To Expect

Free Worship

Redemption Center is a non-traditional ministry with a free-style of worship. You can express yourself to God in whatever way you feel comfortable. We lift our hands, sing, and dance before the Lord!

Greeted With Love

You can expect to be greeted with smiles and an oasis of love. As you enter our worship services, place your belongings in your seat and continue to stand and celebrate with us as we worship.

Explore The Word of God

Following our worship, we will explore the word of God for life changing revelations that will unlock our potential and perpetuate our spiritual development.

Get To Know Us

After each service, our Pastor, First Lady, and ministry team would love the opportunity to meet and greet you and your family. So, come as you are as we go hard for the Lord! We look forward to worshiping with you at Redemption Center Church!

Our Beliefs

We believe the Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God.
(II Peter 1:20-21; II Timothy 3:16-17)

We believe in one God who is infinite in power and holy in nature. We believe that he was revealed to us as Father in creation, Son in REDEMPTION, and Holy Spirit in GRACE that never abandons those who believe and trust in him.

(I Corinthians 8:6; Ephesians 4:6; II Corinthians 5:19; Joel 2:28)

The Blood of Jesus Christ
We believe the blood of Jesus Christ, that was shed on the cross at Calvary, is the way to salvation for those who believe in Jesus Christ and are born of the Holy Spirit.

(Isaiah 53:5-6; Acts 2:21; Romans 5:8-10; II Corinthians 5:17-20; Ephesians 2:8-10; Hebrews 9:24-28)

Water Baptism
We believe in water baptism by immersion in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ which represents our death to sin. We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.

(Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38; Colossians 3:17; Acts 1:8; 2:4, 38-39; 10:44-46; 19:2-6)

The Church is the Body of Christ
We believe the Church is the body of Christ, made up of all believers who are born of the spirit. The Church is committed to the teachings of Christ and responsible for sharing the REDEMPTIVE love of Christ to the world. We believe the church should lead in extending Agape love to all people.

(Matthew 16:18-19; Hebrews 10:25; I Peter 2:9; I Corinthians 13:13)

The Marriage Covenant
We believe that Marriage is defined in the Bible as a covenant and a sacred bond between one born man and one born woman.

(Matthew 19:4-6; Genesis 2:22-24)

The Coming of Jesus Christ
We believe Jesus Christ is coming back to catch away a holy people who have accepted REDEMPTION through his blood, by birth of water and of the spirit, and who are found faithful when he returns.

(I Thessalonians 4:16-17; I Corinthians 15:51-53)

Biblical Principles
We believe in living a victorious life, walking in the promises of God, and seeing God results. We believe in the biblical principles of sowing and reaping. We believe that God has called us to be lenders, to be the Salt of the earth,  and to live in a wealthy place where there is nothing lacking in our lives. We believe God has anointed us to be Kings and Priest on the earth. We believe that every believer can live the Abundant LIFE!

(II Peter 1:4; Jeremiah 29:11; Genesis 8:22; Matthew 5:13; Psalm 66:12; Revelation 5:10; John 10:10)

Online Giving

We are excited about the opportunity God has given us to share the Gospel and reach the lost. As part of our vision and outreach, we need your support by way of tithes, offerings, and seed gifts to the ministry. We invite you to help us carry out the mission of reaching and loving others to LIFE.   You are helping us reach thousands of individuals in the coastal South Carolina/Georgia and surrounding areas. By partnering with us, you will assist in our efforts to spread the Redemptive love of Jesus through ministries and programs geared toward developing a relationship with Christ. You play a major role by giving, because you make it possible for us to spread the message of Christ, via your contributions to the ministry. Please partner with us today with online giving.   CASH APP $myredemption TEXT TO GIVE Text the words MYRCC to 28950

Tithes/OfferingSeed Gifts

Pastor Randy Joyner

Pastor Randy Joyner, a native of Islandton, SC, was born to the late Freddie and Mary Ann Joyner. From birth, Pastor Randy was taught the love, passion, and redemptive power of Jesus Christ. At the age of nine, Pastor Randy accepted Jesus Christ and was filled with the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Having been reared in the church, he has served in numerous capacities to include: Sunday School treasurer, Sunday School secretary, Choir member, choir director, youth president, Bible study leader, Worship and Arts director, Trustee Board member, Deacon, Minister, ordained Elder, Youth Pastor, etc.
Pastor Randy has received undergraduate education at Newberry College and the University of South Carolina.

The greatest joy of his life happened when he was joined in marital bliss to Shekelia Shante. He credits his wife with being his strength and best friend. To this union God has blessed them with three children; Harmony, Joell, and Bradford.
Pastor Randy believes that through the Grace of God there is hope for all people and a solution to every situation.

E-mail: pastorrandy@myredemptioncenter.org

First Lady Shekelia Joyner

Shekelia Shante Joyner a native of St. Helena Island, SC is distinguished by her affinity for God and her unconditional love for people! Her relationship with God is the driving force that keeps her in harmony with God’s plan for her existence. Her admiration for God was instilled in her life at a very early age. She’s a worshipper at heart and an intercessor by nature. Motivated by the natural and spiritual growth of individuals, Lady Joyner intentionally encourages and promotes living on purpose.

She is the founder and visionary of the Break Free Women Summit that is geared toward breaking yokes and life limiting issues, while empowering women to become super women in Christ. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Resources Management from Park University and a Master of Arts in Human Resources Development from Webster University. Shekelia Joyner lives in holy matrimony to her husband Pastor Randy Joyner and a proud mother of three Harmony, Joell, and Bradford.

Break Free

Leading the Charge to FREEDOM

Break Free is a ministry that God birth through Lady Shekelia Joyner in 2015 geared toward freeing woman from past mistakes, failures, and short comings. Lady Joyner becomes transparent and dissects her past misfortunes while sharing strategies for dealing with what in-prisoned her.

Break Free is designed to uncover the root causes that paralyze women from living in purpose and confidence. For far too long, many woman have had to laugh when hurting, lead while bleeding, and give when they were in need. This ministry is dedicated to getting God results and leading the charge to FREEDOM.

Once an individual Breaks Free from what has held them captive, they can then fly high like an eagle and LIVE with the colorful personality of a butterfly.  Break Free allows you the opportunity to come face to face with what seemingly has its foot on your peace and prosperity.  Whether it’s divorce, death, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, infidelity, education, self-esteem, illness, etc., there is hope and a solution to your problem. Break Free!!

Meeting and Conference Dates to Be Announced!!

Service Location:
806 Town Park Drive
Rincon GA 31326

Service Times:
Sundays at 10:00 AM
1st Wednesday Nights at 7:30 PM

Phone: 843-597-9169
Email: info@myredemptioncenter.org

Contact Us

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